Sponsor a Child

Thank you for choosing to sponsor a child. These donations pay for tuition costs for the students at each school or the care of the children at each home. Yearly updates on the children will be provided to each sponsor as much as possible.

If you are interested in fully sponsoring a child at a home or a student at a school, please contact Anita Mohan for specific details.

One time donations are accepted. Monthly donations are as follows:
  • Partial sponsorships are accepted (even $5, $10 or $20)
  • Recommended amount is $50/month for full Paraguay Colegio Privado Adonai School Sponsorship, $40/month for Paraguay Escuela Da Vida after school program, $45/month for Zambia Harmony School. $70/month for Ghana and children sponsorships at the homes start at $350/month however partial sponsorship are very welcome as well.
  • Credit card donations are processed in Canadian funds.
  • First Name: Email:
    Last Name: Phone:
    Street: City:
    Province/State: Postal/Zip Code:
    Donation:One-time gift MonthlyYearly Card Type:
       Card Number:
       Expiration Date:
    To donate to a general fund, click here.
    Amount: $100  $200  $300  $500 
    Other (minimum $15)
    Due to privacy concerns, ACCMBC will not post any pictures of the CLM children on our website. Once a child is sponsored, a picture will be forwarded to the donor.
    Please choose a child to sponsor from the list below:
     A.S. Girl, Age 16 (Sponsored)

    A. came to CLM in June of 2022, straight out of a clinic for drug and alcohol rehab. Her older sister came from a different clinic a few days later but is no longer at CLM because she chose to leave when she turned 18. Alcoholism had taken control of their family, they’d seen older siblings murdered, and they didn’t know anything other than that life of alcoholism and violence. Neither of them had been to school for years, and both seem to have cognitive limitations due to alcohol (whether from exposure in utero or their own substance abuse). A. had several episodes of attempted suicide in 2022 and spent a few months in a psychiatric hospital. When she wasn’t hospitalized, she didn’t attend school because she wasn’t yet able to deal with the environment. Thankfully, A. improved greatly after her stay in the psychiatric hospital. She has passed Grades 6 and 7 since arriving at CLM. She took a while to get used to in-person school in 2023, but now she enjoys going to school. A. is very happy with the dentures she received in 2023, and her self-esteem has increased greatly. Pray for her to deepen in understanding and acceptance of the love of Jesus. Pray for A. to trust God’s timing, as she greatly desires to return to her family, even though there are currently no viable options. Pray that God would show the direction for her future. (Updated January 2024)

     D.T. Boy, Age 6 (Sponsored)

    D came to CLM in September of 2024 with his older sister and two younger siblings. They came from a situation of severe neglect and inadequate living conditions. D is usually pretty quiet and doesn't show what he's feeling, but he can sometimes be defiant. He has opened up some after receiving attention and affection at CLM, but there's a long road ahead as far as learning to identify and express his emotions. D was in the first grade in 2024 and teachers reported he was significantly behind his peers. Please pray that we can identify his learning needs and help him work to progress more quickly. Pray for his caregivers as they work daily to get to know him and help him identify and express his emotions appropriately. Pray that he would open his heart to the love of Jesus and that God would direct regarding whether he should return to his family or not. (Updated January 2025)

     F.J.L. Boy, Age 16 (Sponsored)

    F came to CLM in April of 2022, this being his second time at CLM. When things didn't work out with returning to his biological family, he requested to return to CLM. F has significant learning difficulties and is in grade 7 at the age of 16. F is a hard worker and loves to use the weed whacker. He is also caring toward animals and little children. Please pray for F’s continued growth and development in all areas and that he will come to understand Christ's love and forgiveness. Pray for direction for his future. (Updated January 2024)

     G.M. Boy, Age 16 (Sponsored)

    G. and his older brother A. came to us in October of 2021 after spending about a month abandoned by their father, with very little to eat. They arrived with only the clothes on their backs and their birth certificates. G. is in Grade 10 and learns quickly, but his grades don’t always reflect that. Please pray that he will be motivated to put forth his best effort. G. plays guitar and learns other instruments quickly. Pray that he would accept the love of Christ and be transformed from the inside out, choosing to use his talents for God’s glory. (Updated January 2024)

     I. A. Girl, Age 17 (Sponsored)

    I arrived in March of 2020. She and her older sister went to live with separate adoptive families in 2023. However, I’s situation didn’t work out, and she returned to CLM. She was deeply grieved by what had happened, and she struggled with depression for a few months. She is receiving counseling to help work through what she experienced. When she is not depressed, I is generally grateful, helpful, and cooperative. She is in grade 9 and works hard to overcome her learning difficulties. She is a baptized Christian and is starting to help with Sunday school classes for the younger kids at church. Pray for I’s continued academic and spiritual development and inner healing. Pray regarding the possibility of adoption in the future. (Updated January 2024)

     K.R. Girl, Age 15 (Sponsored)

    K came to CLM in August of 2024. She had been through a complicated set of events with reports of abuse in the family, and she had no place to go because she refused to return to her mother and stepfather. In spite of the instability in her family, K had managed to get good grades in school. She has two years left in high school, meaning she's on track to graduate when she's 17. K likes to help take care of the preschool age children at CLM. Please pray that she would open her heart to Christ and allow the CLM team to minister to her. Pray that God would show the right path for her future. (Updated January 2025)

     L.C. Boy, Age 12 (Sponsored)

    L. has been at CLM since June of 2023. He arrived with his older brother, age 16, who died in a drowning accident in August. Despite all he has been through in the last few months, L. has been developing well. He improved his grades in school to pass the school year, and he is showing interest in music and sports. Please pray for God’s continued healing for his trauma and for God to provide a forever family for him. (Updated January 2024)

     L.S. Girl, Age 1 (Sponsored)

    L arrived August of 2024 with her teenage mother and uncle. They are from a gypsy background, and L's parents had been married since her mother was entering her teens. L’s father is addicted to drugs and there was lots of violence in the family. L is a very happy baby and is almost learning to walk. Please pray for L's mother S, that she would continue to open her heart to the Word of God and raise L to know the Lord. Pray for L to continue to grow and develop well. Pray for God's direction for their future. (Updated December 2024)

     P.S. Girl, Age 10 (Sponsored)

    P. and her two older siblings arrived at CLM in 2022. They had been in and out of the care system and passed around among family members. Like her older siblings, P. is very intelligent and strong-willed. She knows what she wants and how to get it. P. is in grade 5 and is a good student. She enjoys gymnastics and dance. Please pray that she would commit her life fully to Christ from a young age and allow Him to guide her steps. Pray for God's will for her future. (Updated January 2024)

     S.S.G. Girl, Age 16 (Sponsored)

    S. arrived in August of 2024 with her younger brother T and infant daughter L. They are from a gypsy background, and S had been married since she was entering her teens. Her companion was addicted to drugs and there was lots of violence in the family. S had hardly been to school in her life but knows how to read and is studying in an elementary school program for teens and adults. S has a great relationship with her daughter and is learning to take care of her even better than she did when she first arrived. Please pray for S, that she would continue to open her heart to the Word of God and raise her daughter to know the Lord. Pray for L to continue to grow and develop well. Pray for God's direction for their future. (Updated January 2025)

     S.S.S. Boy, Age 14 (Sponsored)

    S. and his two sisters arrived at CLM in 2022. They had been in and out of the care system and passed around among family members. S.is intelligent and strong-willed. He is a born leader but can tend to lead the other boys into conflict at school or at CLM. He enjoys playing soccer and learning musical instruments. S. is significantly overweight and has had some unsuccessful attempts at losing weight. However, this time (starting January 2024), he seems to be more committed to eating healthier and doing exercise. Please pray that he would commit his life fully to Christ and allow himself to be transformed and healed from the traumas of the past. Pray for God's will for his future. (Updated January 2024)

     T.S. Boy, Age 15 (Sponsored)

    T arrived in August of 2024 with his older sister S and infant niece L. They are from a gypsy background, though T does not wish to be associated with the gypsy culture. T was living with his sister and brother in-law. He and his brother in-law were addicted to drugs, and there was lots of violence in the family. T has been through a drug/psychiatric rehab program since coming to CLM because his withdrawal symptoms led him to the point of wanting to commit suicide. He had hardly been to school in his life and does not yet read fluently. He is studying in an elementary school program for teens and adults. T is very affectionate with his niece, and she loves him, too. Please pray for T, that he would continue to accept the help he is receiving at CLM in all areas of his life. Pray that he would open his heart to Christ and allow Him to transform him completely. Pray for God's direction for his future, as well as that of his sister and niece. (Updated January 2025)

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