
Our Mission Statement

The primary goal of the Apostolic Christian Church Mission Board of Canada (ACCMBC) is to provide humanitarian aid and volunteer labour to alleviate human misery and suffering throughout the world in a way that is a Christian witness and brings glory to God. We seek to serve our Lord by sharing our resources and abilities to benefit both the soul and body of those in need, and thereby communicate the love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our Objectives

  • Screen and select projects that meet the requirements for charitable giving as determined by both the ACCMBC and the Canadian Government, and to provide the planning, organizing, managing, staffing, and funding of approved projects where needed.
  • Provide opportunities to serve the Lord on a voluntary basis, providing a channel through which volunteers can perform services or help financially to alleviate human suffering.
  • Seek to help others by teaching and helping them to help themselves.
  • Address the needs that result when natural or man-made disasters occur
  • To provide scholarships and bursaries for eligible students attending Christian Schools
  • Serve as ambassadors for Jesus Christ and representatives of the Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean), reflecting our love for God and the church by our actions and appearance, thus communicating the gospel message supported by sound doctrine.
  • To share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour by communicating the gospel through various means.

You can download our mission statement brochure here.

Benevolence Fund

The Apostolic Christian Church Mission Board of Canada (ACCMBC) benevolence fund is intended to provide financial or material aid in times of emergencies. It will supply immediate assistance in cases of severe illness, personal injury, or when disaster, such as flood, fire, hurricane, etc., occurs. The establishment of this fund is a service to the …

Cheerful Giver

Background The ‘Cheerful Giving’ began when the Sunday School together with the Christian Friendship Group (CFG) started sending gifts to the children at Canaan Land Ministries (CLM) and Green Olive Tree Ministries (GOTM). Both of these Ministries are in Brazil. The items the children would receive were; fun toys, candy, colouring books, basic things like …

Domestic Missions

One does not need to travel to a foreign country to be involved in mission work. There are needs all around us! We would like to expand our domestic mission efforts therefore if you have any ideas, please fill out a ACCMBC Project Proposal and send it to the chairman. To find more details about …

Foreign Missions

To find more details about a mission, please click the name of the mission. If would like to donate to any of the missions below, please click the Donate Now! link beside the mission name or see the Donations page. Mission Donation Link Website Links Canaan Land Ministries (Guarapuava, Brazil) Donate Now! Visit Website Visit Facebook Site …

Upcoming Mission Trips

If you are interested in finding out details about existing work teams, please contact the work team coordinator Josiah Reinhardt (josiah.reinhardt@accmbc.org ). Please fill out the form below to be notified of upcoming work team opportunities that you would be interested in attending. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

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