The Apostolic Christian Church Mission Board of Canada (ACCMBC) benevolence fund is intended to provide financial or material aid in times of emergencies. It will supply immediate assistance in cases of severe illness, personal injury, or when disaster, such as flood, fire, hurricane, etc., occurs. The establishment of this fund is a service to the Apostolic Christian Churches for accountable handling of requests for aid when any one church is not able to meet the need. It does not prohibit any Apostolic Christian Church from privately meeting needs in the local community.
The ACCMBC will strive to maintain a reserve balance in the benevolence fund. This balance would be available immediately in an emergency situation according to the approval of the Benevolence Committee.
Applications for assistance will be submitted to the Benevolence Committee for evaluation of their worthiness. Additional inquiries for pertinent information regarding the individual or church making the request may be initiated by the ACCMBC. After approval, an appeal for help may be made by letter to the churches and/or e-mail to the mailing list.
All receipts and disbursements shall be handled through the ACCMBC. As a general rule, the amount given to any applicant will be limited by the response to the request. Offerings exceeding the amount requested may be retained in the fund. If it is later found that payment through other means such as insurance are available to cover the cost of the emergency, the Committee may discuss with the recipient the return of a proper amount to the benevolence fund for the help of others in time of need.
The current Benevolence Committee brothers are Edmund Reinhardt, Frank Binder and Gary Tomic. Brother Werner Weinhardt is the elder advisor to the Benevolence committee.
How To Apply
Please contact one of the commmittee members listed below to apply for assistance from the benevolence fund.
Benevolence Committee Members
Name | Telephone | |
Edmund Reinhardt | 905-854-6195 | |
Frank Binder | 519-733-0994 | |
Gary Tomic | 519-342-8026 | |