Encouraged by the success of our outreach in Regina and convicted by the Scriptural command to go and preach the gospel, the elders and ministering brothers have been praying and discussing what to do next. The location of London has come up over multiple years and we decided as a group to pursue it in faith. A group of ministers were asked to support this effort and pray and plan and reach out to contacts who may be interested in coming to the Bible Study.
Once some interest was established, we began to have mid-week Bible Studies in March 2017. We’ve had some brothers and sisters who were willing to make the effort to consistently attend and develop materials for reaching those who may not have had any prior exposure to the gospel. In addition, a local member who was living in London has been instrumental in much of the organization.
We are very thankful for the interest and commitment of the local people who have been attending. We typically have 4 to 6 local people that will be present on a weekly basis. For Christmas 2017, a number of youth came out to carol in the towns of Coldstream and Poplar Hills inviting locals to join us for a Christmas Bible Study series on Sunday evenings. In the new year, we are currently meeting in the town of Strathroy where we have the most interested attendees.
Current Needs
- Prayer Support – There are a number of specific prayer requests which are listed below.
- Pray for guidance as to what geography should be focusing on.
- Pray that the Lord would lead us to the right people to reach out to.
- Pray that the Lord would send more labourers into this harvest. We recognize that the outreach would be most effective if we had a core group of believers living in this area.
- Financial Support – The expenses for renting weekly meeting spaces is covered by the ACCMBC London Outreach fund. To donate to this fund, please click here.
How To Help
To discuss opportunities for this cause, please contact the chairman.
To donate to this cause, please visit the Donations page.